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Youth Affairs, Culture & social Services

Youth Affairs, Culture & social Services

Murang’a Youth Service Graduates Second Cohort

Murang’a County Government marked a significant milestone with the graduation of the second cohort of the Murang’a Youth Service (MYS) during an interdenominational prayer event held at the Murang’a Level 5 Hospital New Ward.
Presided over by Governor Irungu Kang’ata, the ceremony celebrated 700 graduates who successfully completed their studies in youth polytechnics across the county. Each graduate received KES 15,000 in start-up capital to launch their businesses, along with a one-year waiver on county taxes. This brings the total number of youths recruited into the MYS program to over 4,000.
“Our aim is to spur Murang’a’s economy and create jobs for the youth, he said.
Through MYS, the county recruits youth via a transparent balloting process. Participants earn KES 400 daily for community service such as town cleaning, with KES 100 remitted to parents, and are trained in polytechnics to acquire essential skills for self-reliance.
Among guests who attended were Deputy Governor H.E Stephen Munania, MP George Koimburi, Hon. Wainana Jungle MCAs, former MPs and other leaders

KICOSCA Games 2025 Edition – Kakamega County

On behalf of H.E Dr.Irungu Kang’ata ,Sports CECM Noah Gachucha officially flagged off the team that will be representing the County at the 2024 Kenya Inter County Sports and Cultural Association (KICOSCA) games in Kakamega County.
The games will take place from 23rd to 30th November with Murang’a County being actively represented by both men and women in 12 different games.
The officials and the entire Murang’a County Government fraternity wish these teams the best as they take on the teams from other counties.

Zawadi Wins in South Africa Chess Games

Zawadi, a pupil at Green Cottage Kiharu constituency Township, congratulations for winning in South Africa , Chess games.
She will represent Kenya and Africa in Italy.


Muranga county government in conjunction with Athletics Kenya held a successful cross country at Gakoigo stadium, Maragua attendance was the Deputy Governor H.E Stephen Munania and the Muranga county CECM Mr. Noah Gachucha.
In an effort to harness talent and motivate the youth in Muranga county, the turnout was vast as the event targeted the young adults and veterans who dominated the cross country championship.

Capacity Building On Indigenous Knowledge Documentation and Digitization Project in Muranga County


The Murang’a County Government’s Youth, Sports, and Social Services team together with the organizing team from the National Museums of Kenya today held a planning meeting on the upcoming capacity building on the Indigenous Knowledge Documentation and Digitization Project in Murang’a County. Murang’a County has been selected as the flagship county where the project will be launched with H.E. Dr. Governor Irungu Kang’ata as the project’s champion at the Council of Governors. The meeting presided over by the CEC Youth, Sports, and social services Hon. Manoah Gachucha was aimed at planning for the upcoming training of the project’s youth champions recruited from the entire Murang’a County and the provision of the required equipment.  The meeting also identified the thematic areas for Indigenous knowledge documentation and digitization.