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Industrialization Opportunities

Industrialization Opportunities

The great improvement in milk production throughout the county has created a number of opportunities especially in value addition and packaging of dairy products. In this regard the Murang’a County Government has set up the Murang’a County Creameries milk packaging factory in Maragua – Murang’a South Sub county.

The output from this factory includes milk branded with the Murang’a County Creameries brand. The milk is expected in the market in the near future and will also be instrumental in the success of the Murang’a County school feeding programme which includes provision of milk for primary schools at least twice per week.

Going forward, the county is also in the process of setting up a multi-fruit processing plant especially to convert the seasonal mango and other fruit surplus into profitable products. The two plants will go a long way in the creation of wealth and turning fruit farming in the county into economically viable business ventures.