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  • Ambulance Hotline: 0716017296
  • Fire Emergency Hotline: 0800721800
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Frequently asked questions

What are the emergency services numbers for Murang’a County?
County Ambulance Services 0716017296
County Fire Emergency Hotline 0800721800 Muranga County Call Center Number : 0757562988/0757262475
How do I apply for bursary from Murang’a County Government?
Applicants for the bursary/scholarship should collect the bursary application forms from their area Member of the County Assembly’s office then return the duly filled form for selection.
Who benefits from the Murang’a County Bursary/Scholarship program?
The beneficiaries of the county government bursary/scholarship program should meet the following criteria:
• Bright and needy
• Have attained a minimum mark of 300
• Be from a vulnerable family
• Be from a public primary school.
How do I apply for a job in Murang’a County Government?
Application forms and details of the vacancies can be accessed at Applications should be submitted to the Public Service Board clearly indicating the position applied for on the envelope addressed to:
Murang’a County Public Service Board
P.O. Box 52 - 10200
Applications can also be hand delivered at the County Public Service Board Offices located within the County Governor’s office, Murang’a on or before close of business.
Are there any vacancies in Murang’a County Government at the moment?
All Murang’a County Vacancies are advertised in the main national newspapers.
The vacancies are also available for downloads on the Murang’a County Government Website NB: These are the only channels through which available vacancies are advertised. Murang’a County Government does not condone canvassing. Anyone found with this offence is liable to prosecution.
How do I apply for an attachment in Murang’a County Government?
Applications for industrial attachment should be submitted three months before the commencement of the industrial attachment to the Public Service Board clearly indicating the position applied for on the envelope addressed to:
Murang’a County Public Service Board
P.O. Box 52 - 10200
Applications can also be hand delivered at the County Public Service Board Offices located within the County Governor’s office, Murang’a.
How do I pay for County Services e.g. Parking fees and Hospital fees and other fees?
Registration Dial *267# - Enter your full names - Enter your ID No: - Wait for an SMS acknowledging your registration Once you’ve registered, dial Dial *267# again. To pay for various revenue streams follow the following steps: Parking - Choose sub-county - Select option 1 for parking - Choose parking type - Enter your vehicle registration no - Wait for M-Pesa STK Push to complete your payment Market - Choose sub-county - Select option 2 for market - Choose market fee type - Enter your ID No - Wait for M-Pesa STK Push to complete your payment Quarry - Choose sub-county - Select option 3 for quarry - Choose quarry zone - Choose truck type - Enter your vehicle registration no - Wait for M-Pesa STK Push to complete your payment Hospital - Choose sub-county - Choose option 4 for Hospital - Choose service to pay for - Enter amount - Wait for M-Pesa STK Push to complete your payment Vetinary Service -Choose Sub-County - Choose option 5 for Vetinary services - Choose the service you want (Vaccination, AI,Meat Inspection etc) - Enter number of livestocks - Enter your iD Number -- Wait for M-Pesa STK Push to complete your payment. County revenue staff will remain in the ground to help incase of a problem
Do you offer any payment for students on attachment?
Murang’a County Government does NOT offer any form of payment for students during their industrial attachment period.
Does Murang’a County Government have Internship programs?
Murang’a County Government Internship Program is a government youth programme whose main objective is to offer college graduates the opportunity to gain hands on experience and build skills in order to enhance their chances for employment, networking and entrepreneurship. Internship opportunities in the county are advertised and follow county recruitment procedures as prescribed by the County Public Service Board.
Is Murang’a County Creameries in operation?
Currently plans are under way to ensure continued operations of the Murang’a County Creameries following consultations with dairy societies in Murang’a County.
How do I apply for a traders’ license in Murang’a County?
- Create a new account at and select SBP(Single Business Permit) or login if you have and existing account - Click on new applications. Enter business information -On business category choose general trade, wholesale, retail shops and services. - On business licence, choose contractor office licence. - Submit the application and proceed to pay. - Download your license.
What are the various fees and charges in Murang’a County?
How do I access the Murang’a County Government public documents?
All Murang’a County Government public documents including the County Budget and the Finance Bill among others can be downloaded from the Murang’a County Website.
What is the hierarchy of leadership at the Murang’a County Government?
The hierarchy of leadership at the Murang’a County Government is comprised of the Executive which is headed by the Governor, the County Assembly (Legislature), headed by the Speaker of the County Assembly and the Judiciary.