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Trade, Industrialization & Tourism

Trade, Industrialization & Tourism

Murang’a Governor H.E Irungu Kang’ata held a Consultative Meeting with Leaders of the ‘Association of Matatu Operators’ in Murang’a earlier on Friday 21 October 20222.This Association represents Matatus from different Saccos among them, KST,NTK,MATSAC,Ithanga,Gatanga,Kigumo and Intercounty Travellers.

The Association presented their Proposals in solving Challenges in Public Transport and bettering their Working Environment.Governor Kang’ata promised to work with Murang’a County Assembly and National Government Ministry of Transport towards revamping the Public Transport Sector in Murang’a County.

Murang’a Governor H.E Irungu Kang’ata having a Consultative Meeting with Officials from Amica Savings and Credit Sacco;a Tier 1 Sacco headquartered in #Muranga .

“We intend to partner with Amica to establish an Inputs Subsidy Programme for our Farmers,”- Governor Kang’ata said on Thursday. Thousands of Murang’a Coffee,Tea,Avocados and Milk Farmers receive their Payments through Amica.