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Murang’a County Government has Today held a Successful Agro-Ecology Forum and Exhibition that culminated with the Launch of “Murang’a County Agroecology Development Policy: 2022-2032 and “Murang’a County Agroecology Development Act 2022” at Ihura Stadium. The Ceremony was officiated by H.E Stephen Munania:Murang’a County Government Deputy Governor on behalf of the County Governor, H.E Irungu Kang’ata.Agroecology is a Farming Practices and Food Production Approach that seeks to build Resilience against Market Shocks and Climate Change by applying Ecological Principles to Agriculture. Agroecology goes beyond Food Production to Food Security, Food Distribution and Consumption Chain for ecologically Sensitive and Sustainable Food Production.“Agriculture is the Backbone to Murang’a County’s Economy and therefore the need to continually seek to end Hunger, achieve Sustainable Food Security and improve Nutrition in Line with SDG2-Zero Hunger. Over the 8 Years of implementing this Agroecology Policy, the County will work towards becoming the leading County in Sustainable Agricultural Production, Food Security, Food Safety, Green Products Trade and Marketing. This Policy will be implemented through the CIDPs and ADPs within the County annual Planning Cycles. The County Department will undertake Midterm and Terminal Evaluation to gauge the Achievement of set Objectives against Outcome Indicators.”-H.E Irungu Kang’ata: Murang’a County Governor.This Forum and Exhibition brought together different Stakeholders and Experts in Agriculture and Agroecology key among them: Institute for Culture and Ecology-ICE, Participatory Ecological Land Use Management-PELUM, Organic Agriculture Center of Kenya-OACK, SNV-Agri-Food, World Vegetable Center, Biodiversity and Biosafety Association-BIBA Kenya, Intersectoral Forum on Agroecology and Agrobiodiversity-ISFAA, African Biodiversity Network-ABN, Effective Integrated Pest Management Association-EIPMA, Grow Biointensive Center-G-BIACK, Youth Action for Rural Development-YARD, Kenya Institute of Organic Farming-KIOF, Murang’a Farmers Cooperative Union Limited, Community Sustainable Agriculture and Healthy Environment Program-CSHEP, National Agricultural and Rural inclusive Growth Project-NAGRIP, Agricultural Sector Development Support Program-ASDSP, Ngong Organic Farmers Association-NOFA, Lead Farmer, Strategies for Agro-Pastoralists Development-SAPAD, i-fern Kenya, WAKAS Organic Demo Farm-WAODF, Route to Food, Sustainable Agriculture Community Development Program-SACDEP, College of Sustainable Agriculture for Eastern Africa-CSAEA, Biovison Africa Trust-BVAT, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa-AGRA among Other pertinent Stakeholders.As an integrated Approach, Agroecology applies Ecological, Social Concepts and Principles to the Design and Management of Food and Agricultural systems. Agroecology seeks to optimize Interactions between Plants, Animals, Humans and the Environment while taking into Consideration the Social Aspects that need to be addressed for a Sustainable and Fair Food.