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Agriculture, Livestock and Cooperative

Agriculture, Livestock and Cooperative

Muranga Inua Mkulima Mango Program

mango program

Muranga Inua Mkulima Mango Program

mango program
Murang’a County Government organised a consultative meeting on Agriculture in partnership with National Agricultural Value Chains Development Project (NAVCDP).
H.E Dr.Irungu Kang’ata together with Members of the County Assembly joined Agricultural Officers from all the 9 Subcounties as they deliberated on various issues.The meeting focused on improving existing agricultural projects.
Extensive discussions were held on Inua Mkulima, the Maize and fertilizer distribution programmes which aims at increasing production for consumption and commercial use.
These programmes also seek to improve the quality of produce in the County to ensure that farmers get maximum profit from their farm produce.
The agricultural officers were also commended for their continued collaboration with farmers and the County Government in the implementation of these programmes.
Other officials in attendance: CECM Trade and Agriculture Paul Mugo, C.O Agriculture Dr. Apollo Maina & other Chief Officers, MCAs led by Majority leader Kibe Wasary, Subcounty Agricultural Officers among other officials
H.E Dr.Irungu Kang’ata and Murang’a County Government Officials completed the distribution of Certified seeds and fertilizer in Muruka ward ,Kandara Sub-County. This exercise has been ongoing in all the 35 wards for the last 3 weeks.
Throughout this exercise,each farmer received 2kg of maize seeds,8 kg planting fertilizer and 8 kg top dressing fertilizer.These inputs are of good quality from trusted Government Organizations KARLO and Simlaw seeds.
This initiative was rolled out with an aim of increasing maize production for consumption and commercial use to add to the income of Murang’a farmers.
The County Government remains committed to improving Agriculture through Inua Mkulima, Milk and Mango subsidies, Distribution of Maize and Fertilizer among other programmes.
Other Officials in attendance: Host MCA Hon.Mukara Peter (Muruka ward), CECM Agriculture Paul Mugo,Chief Officer Agriculture Dr.Apollo Maina, Majority leader Hon.Kibe Wasary, Chair Agriculture Hon.Pauline Muchiri and other County Officials
Inua Mkulima Funds Disbursment

Murang’a County Government is currently distributing free certified hybrid maize seeds and fertilizer to 57, 975 registered farmers. The programme is aimed at boosting food security in the county especially considering that maize is the staple food.

By providing certified seeds the county government ensures that farmers are shielded from planting fake seeds thus increasing productivity in the county. At the same time, the program will enhance the commercialization of maize farming which boosts the income of farmers in the  maize sector.

Inua Mkulima Funds Disbursment

Murang’a County Agro-ecology Development Act 2022

Murang’a County Government today held a Successful Agro-Ecology forum that culminated with the Launch of “Murang’a County Agro-ecology Development Policy: 2022-2032 and “Murang’a County Agro-ecology Development Act 2022” at Ihura Stadium.

The Ceremony was officiated by H. E Stephen Munania – Murang’a County Government Deputy Governor on behalf of the County Governor, H.E Irungu Kang’ata. Agro-ecology is a farming practice and food production approach that seeks to build resilience against market shocks and climate change by applying ecological principles to agriculture.

Agro-ecology goes beyond food production to food security, food distribution and consumption chain for ecologically sensitive and sustainable food production. Over the 8 Years of implementing this Agro-ecology Policy, the County will work towards becoming the leading county in sustainable agricultural production, food security, food safety, green products trade and marketing.

The Forum brought together different Stakeholders and Experts in Agriculture and Agro-ecology including, Institute for Culture and Ecology-ICE, Participatory Ecological Land Use Management-PELUM, Organic Agriculture Centre of Kenya-OACK, SNV-Agri-Food, World Vegetable Centre, Biodiversity and Biosafety Association-BIBA Kenya, Inter-sectoral Forum on Agro-ecology and Agrobiodiversity-ISFAA, African Biodiversity Network-ABN, Effective Integrated Pest Management Association-EIPMA, Grow Bio-intensive Centre-G-BIACK, Youth Action for Rural Development-YARD, Kenya Institute of Organic Farming-KIOF, Murang’a Farmers Cooperative Union Limited, Community Sustainable Agriculture and Healthy Environment Program-CSHEP, National Agricultural and Rural inclusive Growth Project-NAGRIP, Agricultural Sector Development Support Program-ASDSP, Ngong Organic Farmers Association-NOFA, Lead Farmer, Strategies for Agro-Pastoralists Development-SAPAD, I-fern Kenya, WAKAS Organic Demo Farm-WAODF, Route to Food, Sustainable Agriculture Community Development Program-SACDEP, College of Sustainable Agriculture for Eastern Africa-CSAEA, Bio-vison Africa Trust-BVAT, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa-AGRA among Other pertinent Stakeholders.

As an integrated Approach, Agro-ecology applies Ecological, Social Concepts and Principles to the Design and Management of Food and Agricultural systems. Agro-ecology seeks to optimize Interactions between Plants, Animals, Humans and the Environment while taking into Consideration the Social Aspects that need to be addressed for a Sustainable and Fair Food.


Agriculture being among the core focus of the Governor to improve livelihood of the Muranga residents, Muranga County Government has issued cheques worth kshs.80 million to 100 coffee common interest groups-CIGs and coffee producer organizations from National Agricultural And Rural Inclusive Growth Project.

The county government also issued silage balers, silage chopper equipment, solar driers, low pressure water pumps and 5000ltr water tanks to farmers Groups within Muranga under the agricultural sector development support program.

29 new motorcycles were flagged off to facilitate mobility of agricultural extension officers and experts who will be training farmers across county.

Muranga county agricultural farm inputs subsidy policy 2022-2023 and Muranga county Agricultural farm inputs subsidy Fund Regulation -2022 PFA legislation agricultural policies have been debated and passed by the Muranga county assembly.

Milk and Mango farmers have been urged to register in their respective cooperatives in order to benefit from the 2 passed legislation.

Iyego Farmers Cooperatives Society through their partnership with Fair trade Africa has seen the Muranga county Government commission a modern Eco Pulper Machine and a coffee Roaster. The partnership promotes coffee value addition and cost subsidies in the processing of coffee and end enhanced quality.


Agricultural Sector Development Support Programme (ASDSP11)

The Agricultural Sector Development Support Programme II is a nation-wide programme supported by the County and National Government of Kenya, Government of Sweden (GoS) and European Union (EU). ASDSP II is part of the implementation strategy of the Agricultural Policy (AP) for the National and County governments.